Saturday, November 19, 2005

The "Marci Chronicles" get a makeover...

It's not that I didn't love my old, sloppy, HTML journal. It's not that it didn't have it's merits, it's own kind of beauty. It's just that...well, people change. People grow. People move on. People want colored text and links ( and pictures (okay. still working on that.) And you know, "we can still be friends." I'll still keep all my old entries in the archive in that same, old, trusty format that you faithful readers of 5 years have come to know and love. (Those of you who are newbies will find my homepage and those archives at Oh, don't cry. You'll get used to this shiny new blog. What's that? Okay. Fine. I won't call it a blog. I know, I know...far too trendy. But I do think that you'll learn to like this one just as well. I promise.


Kelvin said...

Kia Ora (Hello) from a krazy blogger down under in New Zealand. Five years ??? I have been at it 6 months and already I am driving people as krazy as I am !!! (hehe)

Anonymous said...


How pleased I am that you've found a home that allows me to comment on what you write. Seeing as, your comment section of your old journal seldom or never worked... I look forward to responding to nearly everything you write with great enthusiasm.

welcome to the club. and eventually you'll start calling it a blog...

Anonymous said...

Oooh. How very trendy of you :-).