Sunday, December 11, 2005

A little bit bittersweet.

Besides a short recording session this Tuesday afternoon, I am done with concert choir and MC for this semester. This is a relief, because in just the last week alone, I've put an estimated 27 hours into it. My voice is just shot. But it's also a little sad, because I'm one of those dumb sentimental people that cares that this is my last concert in the cathedral. While this probably means nothing to most of the people reading this, a few of you have had the opportunity of singing in a candlelight service in that huge, green marble nave, so you might know why I get a little choked up. It really is a very cool experience. There's no good way to try and describe it. Just one of those things you have to be there for. Don't worry. The choir will be there next year, and the year after that, and that year after that, so those of you that have never gotten in on the fun, fear'll get another chance. Just put it on your list of things to do you before you die: candlelight Christmas carol service at the cathedral. Believe it or not, I'm still not done with all my semester projects. So I'm going to go to sleep now, and get up early and work on them. Or so the story goes. Night.

P.S. Natalie...this is Idaho Jon. Jon, this is Nat, whom I've spoken of before. There. Now you can be friends. :)


Anonymous said...

I totally hear ya Marc!

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. I remember how many weeks I was sad after just a 2 week long acting camp when I was 14. I spent weeks afterwards remembering the people, the performance, how things could've been, would've been, might've been, should've been... I'm far too sentimental, so it was a much more painful process than it needed to be... but that just made it worth that much more. Hope you had an even harder time getting over your candlelight cathedral experiences, because that would mean it meant even more, and that I'd like to know.