Monday, March 06, 2006

You unlearn something old every day.

Hi. I'm back.

I apologize for my absence. I've been trying to figure out how life works for people who have routines, and I've pretty much determined that that's not something you can learn. Either you're a routine person, or you're not. I'm not. I'm not making that transition well this semester. As you may have noticed, I even tried giving up my 2 a.m. journaling habit, but it's been all in vain. I still can't get on a normal schedule.

I wish I could say that I've returned after all this time with some large amount of wisdom, but really all I've learned in the least few weeks is that I have even less figured out than I thought I did. Which wasn't much to begin with. This isn't a bad thing, necessarily. Not knowing anything. It's got it's perks. It teaches you to be humble. It teaches you to trust other people. Scary. It teaches you that God is sovereign, and He's under no obligation to let you in on his immeadiate plan if he doesn't want to. He can do whatever He wants, and He's still righteous and perfect.

Yep. That, kids, is all I've got.

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