Whoo hoo! That's right! It's about time. I worked dang hard for that pretty piece of paper that says "Diplomas for May graduates will be mailed the first week in June, pending final grades." So techinically speaking, I have yet to actually graduate. I guess if I miscounted my chickens before they hatched, I might be back in school in the fall. But I'm going to run off to Ireland today and not worry about it for two weeks! Whoohoo! You kids take care. Later.
Ok, I'd love to say something intelligent or something that in any way relates to what you wrote, but instead I'm going to say "PRETTY PRETTY PRETTAAAAY......"
This leaves the burden of respecting any amount of actual substance or personality I may or may not have entirely on your shoulders. Sucks to be you!
Prettaaaaaay!!!! PrettaiiiiiY!!!
Oh, and in case it wasn't clear in the last comment, PRETTAY!
I know you're still in Ireland, but I thought I'd say... "Non Dimenticar." E-mail if you don't know what I mean, when you get this :-)
I just re-read that and realized it could be taken so totally wrong: it was just a way of saying "miss ya", but it sounds more like hitting on you. Ewps!
Ah, but I know you too well, Yohann. No apology necessary. ;)
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