Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pleased as Punch

It is with great joy that I announce to you all: I'm moving. Finally. Not just thinking about it. Not just talking about it. Not just hanging imaginary roman shades on the imaginary kitchen window in my head. No, kids, I actually HAVE THE KEYS to the front door of my own appartment. (Truth: the kitchen window is now a reality, but the roman shades remain a figment of the imagination for the time being.) I know. Hard to believe. Even more shocking is the fact that I signed a six month lease - which sets a new record for comittment in my life. Scary. But exciting. Granted, it's only a four and a half minute drive from where I currently live, but it's still considered moving, nonetheless. This has been a very, very, very long anticipated event as well as an answer to I'm pretty stoked. I have my own mailbox. My own fridge. My own bathroom. And best of all - get this - a murphy bed. That's right. And YOU thought those only existed in old movies! But you were wrong, my friend. I have one. And I'd be more than happy to have you over to my new place so I can demonstrate the ease with which one can fold a perfectly unmade bed right up into the wall, leaving no trace of a perfectly unmade bed. What more could a person ask for, really? A dishwasher? Oh, well, I have one of those too! And if you think I'm happy about this situation, you should see my hundreds of books. They're beside themselves with excitement, as they get to come out of their boxes, following three years of musty darkness while they waited patiently in storage. My dishes are pretty thrilled as well. So, that's my news. The other detail in the story is that fact that I will no longer have computer access at my residence. This could be both good and bad for you, my beloved readers. The benefit of this situation is that there will be no more post-midnight writing here in my journal...which means better, more well-rested writing. The bad news is that there will probably be less writing over all...which you may not even notice, since I've only been posting something up here about once every other week. Anyhow. That's all I've got for now. You kids have a good night.


Anonymous said...

... and I thought my fouton was cool. So you went straight from living with family to living by yourself? Quite the jump. For me it was living with family then living with 40 drunk frat guys then living with family then living with 2 random roommates. The latter (lattest?) has worked alright for the last year and a half though. Can't complain. Apartment life can be pretty cool. Enjoy your newfound independence, be it with or without Roman blinds.

Anonymous said...

Thomderful says:

A murphy bead? Haven't seen one of those since the Great Mupet Caper.

Pleased as Punch...a quote that was the downfall of a president candidate. Still an awesome quote. I use it once in a while. Sweetness. I'm glad I'm not the only one!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you and your new home! How exciting to have a place of your own. Maybe if and when we come to Rapid I can get a tour!? It was so good to see you at the campout. You are such a fun person and I miss your smiles.
