Friday, October 27, 2006

Like rollerskating in the china shop...

Hi. I'm back. At the library. They have added a coffee shop. Right in the middle of the library. Inside this coffee shop is a sign that reads, "Feel free to enjoy your beverages throughout the library." I find this a little perplexing since I grew up in a world where having food and beverages inside the library, especially within spitting distance of the books or computers, was a sin that would at least send you straight to the same zip code as Hell, if not the precise coordinates. But since then, some genious figured out that they could make a buck - heck! thousands of bucks! - if they compromised their committment to careful preservation of their books and documents and just let people sip java while they browse. Don't get me wrong. I like coffee. I like libraries. I like to drink coffee in the library. I just see it as an interesting development.

In other coffee shop news (as coffee shops and their dynamics, social demographics, etc. positively are my favorite topic of discussion) the loathesome Starbucks recently announced that they plan on doubling their number of stores worldwide next year, bringing their empire to a measley total of some 40,000 stores. They must be stopped. With that, my lunch hour is drawing to a close and I must get back to work. More about my feelings on Starbucks later. Or, simply refer to Natalie's recent blog rant on the corporate big boys. We share similar sentiments.

I'm out. Happy weekend.


Anonymous said...

That is friggin' awesome! Food and drink in the library is like making the place a super coffee shop. (Super because libraries are usually pretty big to begin with.)

Sweetness for you. That is so non-traditional!


Anonymous said...

I share this loathe for corporate big boys ( if I haven't told you my feelings on Microsoft's market bully-ism that makes you the only one on earth). Every time I talk about it with people that disagree, they say I'm anti-capitalist. I thought that market competition was the driving force of capitalism, which mega-corporations eliminate. Perhaps I'm misinformed.

Anonymous said...

HA! yes! AND I work in that very coffee shop! Not often, as I mostly work at the hospital one, BUT still, I do work there on occasion!! Come visit me :)