Friday, May 04, 2007

Hola, Mi Amigas!

Hey kids! This is for the few faithful that are left out there. Those two or three people that still check my blog, periodically, even though I only post 3 times a year anymore. I just dropped in tonight to say that I have plenty to catch you up on some rainy day when I'm sitting in a coffee shop with a public use computer. Since the last time I was here I have traveled the world (or at least a small part of it) and gotten a job that actually does have something to do with my expensive college degree. You know I'd much rather just sit in a coffee shop and tell you about it than type about it, so feel free to give me a call if you find yourself in the vicinity on a rainy afternoon. I know a good coffee shop or two...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new job Marci! I have no idea how to call you and since we don't really know each other, you may not want me to call you. :) But I hope you are enjoying your new work and living every day for the Lord Jesus Christ (as I am sure you are). But if you get a few minutes sometime, catch us all up with all the news of your life.


Jon said...

Whoa! Marci updated her blog. How cool is that?

Congrats on the job, too. I think it's more fun to turn down jobs that have something to do with your expensive college degree than taking them.

Marci said...

Actually, I don't really disagree with you...I did it three or four times before finally caving and taking the degree related job. But, on second thought, it seems that I'm almost hard pressed to explain to people how this job actually does relate to me degree...