Snow angels. Snow forts. Snow cones. Snow men. Snow day???? Could we be so lucky? Nah. It's only been snowing ALL DAY. I mean, heck, we've only got some 18 inches of heavy, slushy white stuff. Us South Dakotan's are hardy folk. It takes at least 36 inches to slow us down. Well, work or no work, it's gorgeous out there.
So anyway, last night, Nick and I went to the "Slow Roasted Songwriters 2006" show at the Dahl. Basically, it was a 3 1/2 hour conglomeration of the "best of" Dunn Bro's weekly open mic, with a fabulous jam session of sorts as the finale. One heck of a good time, if I do say so myself. My personal favorite was Amanda Conway, an incredibly talented young songwriter/guitarplayer/musician. She's fantastic...and has a cute new haircut, to boot. I swear, I'd think she was great even if I hadn't know her since she was 12. If you ever get a chance to hear her play, don't miss it. (Shameless plug...I know.)
I used to go to stuff like this all the time, back in the day. Back before I was trying to actually graduate from college. I had forgotten how much I missed live music, the local arts scene, and all the intruiging people that come with the package. I had forgetten how, when I was about 19, I wanted more than anything to be a crazy guitar playing chick. Funny how you can want something very badly, but you have to prioritize and other things you want a little more float to the top of the list. Huh. Well, that's my pensive thought for the evening. I'd have more, but I'm surrounded by people, and having a hard time writing and not watching the evening news. So with that, I'm out.
awww Marci. i remember when you were nineteen... or maybe you were eighteen... okay. maybe i don't remember. in any case, i still want to be a crazy guitar playing chick, i just think it may have to wait until the nursing home. but holy cow, some of the elderly can really rock.
i'm empathizing, sympathizing, and loving Amanda Conway too. and i REALLY don't even know her.
write more.
Wish I could give you guitar lessons from ten million miles away. It's way more fun to have students that want to learn than to have students that are being forced by their parents :-(
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