Dearest Em: Whoohoo! You are getting married tomorrow! (Surprise!) I must confess, I'm a little disappointed. This probably means that we will never be roommates in a tree house (I am certain Jesse would not allow it. Actually, he'd probably go for the tree, just not the extra girl hanging around the house all the time.) However, I can look past this issue, and I want you to know that you are very much loved (by me, by God, by your soon-to-be-husband, and "all the other people whose names won't fit here but were essential, influential and indispensable in multiple aspects of the creation of this album - you know who you are.") You are also very much prayed for and will be greatly missed. (Why are all my favorite people are moving to Pheonix?) Know that you can come visit me in my treehouse any time you want. We will eat vienna sausages and microwave cajun rice (or not) and drink coffee and cranapple juice and listen to Carbon Leaf and talk about our mutual love for...certain color schemes, shady ethnic restaraunts, and "the outdoorsy type." If the weather's nice we'll go for a drive and get "lost" in a canyon in Colorado and be late for church. Until then ~ Peace, love, and lucky second-hand finds. See you tomorrow. ~ Marci
I don't even think I know Emily. But this made me cry anyhow. What wonderful friends you've been blessed with!
Why not a treeCondo? That could solve things. Heck, even I could stay there then.
Best of luck to your friend. Sounds like some good memories.
... and thus the search began for a solar powered microwave an a tree network large enough to house a tree condo.
Emily's wedding was awesome! The only think I didn't like was not having you able to sing your duet w/ Jamin. Oh, well...hope to see you at the Ranch with the Youth Group...love, rachel harris
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