Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I should have said I was sorry...

Some things just "blow over." They say something, you say something, they're hurt, you're mad...or some variation on that theme. And sometimes it's best to just walk away for a little while. Let everyone cool down, take a breather, forget what it was all about in the first place. And it all blows over, like it never happened at all. But sometimes, it dosn't work this way...doesn't blow anywhere. It just hangs over your head, toxic and hiding the sun, tying knots in your stomach. And it doesn't matter who said what first or who hurt who, because if you don't do something about it, if you let it stay there long enough, it settles in and eventually the smog is too thick to see through, and the trees all die and you both get permanent lung damage, and your kid's kid's kids will all get cancer or be born with extra toes, because you thought it would all blow over and it never did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the reminder that, though difficult, confrontation is often the remedy and not a magnifier.