Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nothing of substance here, folks...

I've been sitting here at my computer for two hours now. Catching up on some reading, browsing pretty things I'll never buy on, cleaning out my email inbox, perusing album reviews, and an assortment of other lazy-Sunday-afternoon-in-a-coffee-shop activities. And the whole time I've had this blog window open in the background, but nothing to put in the little blank box with the blinking...blinking...blinking...anticipating cursor.

Actually, that's a lie. I have plenty to write in here. In fact, I've started seven or eight different intro paragraphs and deleted every single one of them for one reason or another. Too cliche. Too whiny. Too shallow. Too self-centered. Too revealing. Too preachy. Too churchy sounding. Too trying-not-to-sound-too-churchy sounding. You'd think I was writing an article for the Times. Once upon a time, there was a period in my life when I could churn out 5-10 essays a week, either on my blog, or for school, or on a Perkins napkin. I could write 500 words at the drop of a hat...about the price of tea in the student union, or the history of my friend Matt's grandpa's hat, or even the mundane and/or trivial events of my day. But now I clearly take myself too seriously. This is a tragedy and something must be done. Not sure what, though. Probably should quit reading so much well written stuff....more tabloids. Then I could lower the bar, and be satisfied with my petty ramblings and excerpts from my running, inner monologue.

That being inner monologue has sounded something like this lately: Am I doing my job well? Why am I so critical of people? What should I do with the change in my piggy bank when it's full? Do I like where my roommate put the couch? How can I love people better? Why do I continue drinking diet soda when I honestly believe it's terrible for me? How should I feel about health care reform and why? Who knew that your friends all becoming moms would change your life so much? Can wearing Chanel No. 5 automatically make you classy, even if you're wearing sweats and haven't washed your hair in two days? What does God think about my schedule? Am I a good friend? Did I forget to return Dinner for Schmucks to the redbox? Why did I waste two hours of my life on that movie? Should I keep doing yoga even though Mark Driscoll thinks it's demonic? What the heck is going on in the Middle East? How wrong is it that I find Justin Bieber strangely cute, even though he's, like, 12 years old? How much of what I do/read/eat/think/say/write/listen to/buy/wear is about projecting an image of who I want people to think I am? And very late am I going to be to the movie I'm supposed to be at in 18 minutes, because I got carried away with this silly rambling?