Saturday, May 28, 2011

I Whistle A Happy Tune

I know. You probably think that the 40 Days campaign without coffee killed me, and that's why I haven't updated this blog in nearly three months. This is not the case. I survived the campaign - quite swimmingly, actually - and I (along with several hundred other people) raised some good money to help build wells and install water purifications systems in several countries across Africa. (And don't worry...I'll hit you all up again next year.) So, that is not my excuse for my lack of writing. Rather, this spring has just been a little busy, and so many other things always seem to take precedence over sitting down for long enough to produce a cohesive stream of thought.

Since I last wrote here I have taken a trip to Omaha to hear Chap Clark speak about youth culture (a word to the wise in youth ministry...don't miss a good chance to hear Chap Clark speak), taken a trip to Fort Collins with the Hill City High School band, taught a few yoga classes at the Y, enjoyed a couple of Rent-a-Mom gigs, and worked a little here and there, among a few other things.

As I write this I am in Sioux Falls in the home of some new friends, surrounded by good friends (who are all watching The King and I...which is why this is poorly written...I'm easily distracted by Rodger's & Hammerstein). We came here for the wedding of some other friends, where I got to see some old friends. Quite the delightful weekend.

I wish I could say that things are slowing down, and that I'll have more time to write in the next few months (which I do for my own benefit far more than yours), but I'd be kidding myself. Next weekend I'll be in Parkston with my other best friends putting on a weekend for middle and high school girls (side note: the opportunity to do ministry with my very best friends - both through Young Life, and church - has been one of the greatest blessings of my life...more on that some other time). Then I get to spend 10 days in the middle of June at Young Life's Camp Malibu in British Colombia with several of the planet's coolest people (a.k.a. - my Hill City Young Life kids). In July my little sis and I are making what is sure to be an epic trip to Minneapolis to see the New Kids on the Block AND the Backstreet Boys in concert ( cool are we?), immediately followed by a week at the lovely Crystal Springs Baptist Camp in Medina, ND...serving in the position of rec director (i.e., "Captain of Fun"). So that's the first half of my summer - I think I've got some pretty awesome stuff going on the second half too, but my brain can only handle six weeks at a time.

Anyhow, this was more or less a worthless post, but Yul Brynner is now demanding my undivided attention, so I'm off. Peace out!

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