Wednesday, September 13, 2006

This is my little sister, Sarah Jill. She just turned thirteen yesterday. As I'm sure is the case in most sister-sister relationships, especially those spanning an eleven year gap, she thinks I'm pretty cool. She likes to hang out with me, likes to steal all my clothes, likes to make jewelry with me and style her hair like mine. It would seem that she wants to be like me, to a certain degree. But what she doesn't know is how much I wish I could be like her. She is a far more confident and secure person than I was at her age. She is comfortable with the shape of her body. She doesn't care what her peers think of her. She's quirky and hilarious and has a completely ridiculous obsession with ducttape (She can make pert near anything you can imagine out of ducttape.) and red cars and Geico commercials. She has dozens of best friends, all who love her goofy sense of humor. She's simply beautiful. I adore her. I really hope that someday I can grow up to be just like her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely. I think you and I share yet another thing in common: early teen idols. There are a half dozen 13 year olds I hope to be like some day as well.